[English]INSPECTION GLOVES COTTON 12 PAIRS [Francais]GANTS D'INSPECTION 12 PAIRES COTON [Deutsch]BAUMW.HANDSCHUHE 12 PAAR [Espagnol]INSPECCION ALGODN 12 PARES GUANTE Now: 7,27€ MSRP: Was: COTTON GLOVES 12 Pairs of disposable cotton gloves to prevent finger-marks on polished surfaces etc.…
[English]LEATHER GLOVES STRONG,LARGE [Francais]GANTS EN CUIR TAILLE LARGE [Deutsch]LEDERHANDSCHUHE GRO, STARK [Espagnol]GUANTES DE CUERO GRANDE Now: 6,07€ MSRP: Was: STRONG LEATHER GLOVES Protect your hands against the cuts and bruises associated with clock mainspri…